Focus on the Top 10

I love's W.O.W. emails. I read this just after writing yesterday's post Fundraising Secret #1. It definitely fits! Read it and prosper: Last week Tom and I were with a Benedictine prep school in New Jersey. We were discussing the importance of focusing...

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Fundraising Secret #1: Ask!

Since many have finished their fiscal year and others that haven't finished are working on budgets for the next fiscal year, I've been pondering things that would make this coming year our best fundraising year yet. I've come up with about 100 secrets, tips, and...

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Pushing through the Dip

In the last few posts, we've been gleaning from Seth Godin's latest book, The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick). If you've determined that you can be

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More on Fundraising in the Dip

In our last post, Fundraising in the Dip, we exlpored Seth Godin's thoughts on "dips" and "cul-de-sacs" from his latest book, The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick). Today, let's look at the 3 questions Seth recommends we ask before...

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Are you a YAWN?

The Chronicle on Philanthropy has an interesting blurb on a new term for donors: yawn. Here's a taste: Using a term coined in Great Britain, columnist Robert Frank says extremely rich young people who live humbly and give most of their wealth to charity are “yawns,”...

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A chunk of my 15 minutes of fame!

This picture went with a very flattering article in the paper today. The reporter did a great job. I only wish he'd included the fact that I said "us" and "we" in the interview, not "I" and "me." Fundraising is a TEAM sport! Either way, I'm flattered. I'm sure it...

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SALE! 20% off Creating Donor Evangelists

In honor of Independence Day here in the USA, we're having a sale on all Creating Donor Evangelists products. For the NEXT 14 DAYS ONLY, all CDE audio products are being offerend for 20% off. [From now until July 17!] Just go to The Store. To...

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Fundraising In the Dip

Many of us experienced the end of the fiscal year on June 30th. Before taking a well deserved vacation, this is a great time for catching our breath and re-assessing our position. Some of what I'm currently reading, Seth Godin's new book, The Dip: A Little Book That...

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Every once in a while you come a cross a blog post that takes your breath away. Fundraising from older people, ie, fundraising by Jeff Brooks is one of those. He quotes Mark Rovner as saying "Boomers and Xers have different worldviews, cultural touchstones, and senses...

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Are you in the club?

Let's revisit the idea of clubs. In his article, Michael Masterson gives an example of a dining club. Summing up the example, he states: The basic elements of a club that are at work in this example: Association with like-minded people This is the fraternal aspect of...

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Job Opening – D.C.

This just in: Vice President/Director of Development Women’s Edge Coalition Washington, D.C. The Women’s Edge Coalition (Edge) is a cutting-edge, results-oriented policy organization working to make U.S. foreign assistance and trade policy improve the lives of women...

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Identifying your fans

Would you recommend us to your friends? On a recent teleclass, Jackie Huba says this is one of the best questions to help you identify your organization's fans. You should be able to listen to the podcast here.

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Red Sox Wine?!

The Don't Tell the Donor Blog reports on three Red Sox'd themed wines: Wakefield's "CaberKnuckle" Ramirez's "Manny Being Merlot" Schilling Schardonnay What'll they think of next?!

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Summer Break Ideas

Many of you are approaching the end of your fiscal year. The rest of us often experience a bit of a lull during the summer. (But the work seems to increase every year, doesn't it?) How are you going to spend the "down-time"? Author Robert W. Bly has a terrific list of...

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Breaking 1000!

The subscriptions continue to grow! So far more than 900 people have subscribed to the Extreme Fundraising Ezine. Would you help me get to 1000 by inviting your colleagues to sign up? People can subscribe at the bottom of: or send a blank email to...

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Google Alerts just emailed me this announcement from Channel 5 News in Charleston, SC. I'm not sure I've ever been called "sensational" before...but it has a nice ring. 🙂 The Association of Fund raising Professionals Lowcountry Summer Institute will take place at the...

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Sex, drugs, and…charitable giving?!

Today's daily update from the Chronicle of Philanthropy included a report on neurological studies of philanthropy: Charity Comes Naturally to Humans, Some Studies Say Neuroscientists studying human empathy, altruism, and morality often find that doing good is...

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Blog driven fundraising?

Just got this in the mail: Dear Marc A. Pitman, This Monday, May 28th, join thousands of bloggers and use your blog to benefit, a non-profit Web site that brings teachers and donors together to fund specific student projects that range from "Magical...

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Are you LinkedIn?

Mark Nakumara pointed me to this great blog post by Guy Kawaski about ways to used LinkedIn. Can you imagine how cool it would be if donors started researching you before a solicitation call! Very cool! To read the Guy's blog post click here. My LinkedIn profile is...

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What are you saying?!

This story appeared in Inland Hospital's internal daily: There was an elderly woman who had been hard of hearing for years. Her family and friends were always encouraging her to get a hearing aid. Finally, she gave in. After having the hearing aid for three weeks she...

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Being Human

One of the most effective ways to not create donor evangelists is to talk a language nobody but your inner circle understands. Jeff Brooks at

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Benefits of Clubs

Every nonprofit organization I’ve raised money for has had donor “clubs.” Oddly, they didn’t seem more than a way to categorize giving levels. When I thought of “club,” I thought of racquet ball, overstuffed leather chairs, and cigars & port. (One or two alum have...

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15 Minutes of Fame

Reuters just published an artcile on extreme sports and fundraising written by Verna Gates. She was gracious enough to quote me! The article is at: Extreme fundraisers take charity to the limit

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Fundraising Coach Bookstore

I've published three works with Only now did I realize they have a Fundraising Coach Storefront at There you can buy print copies of three of my favorite tools: "The $100,000 Guide to E-mail Solicitation," "Creating...

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I've heard a little about But I don't get it. If you do, could you leave me a comment (there's a "comment" link under the title to this post!)

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Creating Donor Evangelists DOWNLOAD

Today is a great day! I've been wanting to offer the Creating Donor Evangelists audio program as a download. It is now available. Downloads are easier to listen to and there's no CD to lose! Plus, you don't have to pay shipping. Purchases of the download count toward...

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12 Types of Clients

We're all clients at some point in our lives. And many of us have been freelancers. Robert Weiner refered some of us on to this great blog post: The 12 Breeds of Clients and How to Work with Them. I think I've been 6 or 7 of them!

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Another nice post

Mitch Teplitsky recently posted a very nice post on his Soy Andina blog. The post is: Are you fundraising? Visit Marc Pitman's site. The offer he's refering to is below: Creating Donor Evangelists April Special. People say they really like this program because it's:...

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