Nonprofits often mistake hiring professionals like fundraising coaches or consultants as buying the winning lottery ticket. No matter what they’ve been told, they think the professional will magically find them funding. Fortunately, that is actually great for...
I originally wrote Ask Without Fear! to be used with boards of directors and groups of volunteers. So I’m offering a special “Board Bundle”: order 10 books at a 35% discount. 10 copies of Ask Without Fear! would normally cost $149.50. But purchased...
Jeff Brooks’ recent post at DonorPowerBlog is such a great reminder: when you’re writing fundraising letters, you need to write like a human being. He offers a great real-life example of typical copy from a fundraising letter he received. Winter disasters...
I originally wanted to call this fundraising secret: Don’t be a jerk—business people often don’t have liquid assets. That seems to get the message across more bluntly. I’m amazed at how poorly we treat business owners. Especially sole-proprietors. We...
I just had the privilege of speaking at the Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes’ annual meeting. What a fun group of people! As a pastor, it was a blast to speak with people who’s job is to help people in their parish grow in giving. These people were...