Last week, I wrote a post for explaining why I was checking out Google+. A week later, I love it! I’ve would probably stay on Google+ if I didn’t have so much invested in sites like Facebook, Twitter, and FourSquare. True, I am feeling a bit...
If you use Gmail, have you noticed the new “also include” feature? I was writing an email to Rob Hatch. Since Google saw that, it suggested I might want to cc Estrella Rosenberg and John Haydon as well. The cool thing is, I often do email all three of them...
I just saw a tweet from @legaleagle2010 about the USAToday’s story on Google’s Chrome for a Cause. Apparently, installing this extension will let you donate money for every tab you open in a day. You’re able to choose to support either: The Nature...
Have you checked out Google Docs? I keep finding remarkable ways to use this for collaboration! For example, an organization I work with recently ran a phonathon that didn’t involve asking for money, but asking people to advocate for our cause. Our database...