If you’ve been paying attention to recent trends in philanthropic giving, you’ve probably noticed that digital fundraising and online giving have become more and more popular among donors. But how can you make this trend work for you? Digital fundraising never stops...
Online giving definitely is growing. And if you listen to the growth statistics, you may feel you can fully fund your organization using online giving tools. If that’s you, stop. Seriously. When something grows from 1% to 2% it’s 100% growth, but...
Today it’s my pleasure to introduce you to Dana Ostomel, the founder of Deposit a Gift.com. Deposit a Gift allows anyone – nonprofits, schools, or individuals – to raise money and even sell tickets to benefit events. I love that Dana’s...
This month’s Church Executive features an interview with me on how pastors can use social media for fundraising. The editor pulled out 15 of the most important tips I’ve learned, both pastoring a church and in coaching church planters and others in...
Crowdfunding has opened up funding for some wonderful projects. But according to their own stats, the majority of Kickstarter projects fail. And a full 10% never raise any money. How to stay out of the majority of crowdfunding campaigns I’m going to show you...