$100 donor or millionaire?

Just read this in the daily update from the Chronicle of Philanthropy: Large Bequest Surprises Diabetes Charity An 86-year-old Annapolis woman who died in a house fire last March shocked a diabetes group by bequeathing it the largest donation in the organization’s...

Odd will

Leona Helmsley’s will is causing quite a stir. In addition to leaving millions of dollars to her dog, the NYTimes says it contains nuggets like: To receive money from the trusts, the grandsons are required under the will to visit the grave each year of their...

Where You Start Matters!

Reading Andy Goodman’s “Why Bad Presentations Happen to Good Causes” reminded me of my post on the Scottish nonprofit Engage’s national ad campaign. Goodman says most presenters start with the question “What do I want to say?” And...

Mixing careers

I started pastoring VCW after a decade of fundraising. I love pastoring and teaching on financial stewardship but I’ve been intrigued with the donor stewardship issues. We once got a $5000 check–HUGE for our small, central Maine congregation. As a...
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