How do you take care of yourself? | Nonprofit Blog Carnival
I'm thrilled to be hosting the Nonprofit Blog Carnival for February! Since Valentines' Day is this month, the Carnival topic is: As a fundraiser, how do you take care of yourself? I believe fundraising is the best profession in the world! But it can be incredibly...
How to create a road map for your goals
The first month of the year is gone! Now is a great time to review your goals. (I have blogged about goal setting here.) As you review your goals, you may find your behind on some. Creating a road map will help jump start those goals. To create a goals road map follow...
Free nonprofit tools from 10 different experts!
I'm thrilled to be participating in the Nonprofit Goodies Giveaway! 10 of us have gotten together to offer: 5 free ebooks including the Wild Woman's Guide to Fundraising and my own Ask Without Fear!, 2 free workbooks, 2 free trainings, and one free Donor Map. On the...
[Warning: Rant in progress] In my book Ask Without Fear!, I encourage fundraisers to PYITS--put yourself in their shoes. Thinking like the donor or prospect can save you lots of embarrassment in the process of asking for money. But never forget: you are not your...
MLK and your nonprofit fundraising
In the United States we're honoring the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. I'm sure many people will be posting about the "I have a dream" speech. I get so inspired reading his speech. We in the nonprofit world sure know about dreams! We see the world both as it is and...
Job Opening: Campaign Assistant
I often have people tell me about job openings. But now I get to share one! I'm working on a capital campaign in Lebanon, NH at the Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital. And APD is looking to hire a campaign assistant. The position is part-time and Raisers Edge experience...
New Year Resolution: Ask More!
Whether you love or hate New Year Resolutions, millions of people use January 1 to start new habits. As a result, I've been asked by several bloggers and magazines what New Year resolution I would suggest people make. My answer for nonprofit folks? Ask more. If you...
Add Google+ to your New Year Resolutions
Did you watch CNN this morning? It reported Paul Allen's stats that Google+ growth is exceeding expectations. According to him, Google is now over 62 million users and adding about 625,000 new users every day. His prediction? Google+ will have over 400 million users...
How to set up multiple admins for your Google+ page
Nonprofits, businesses, and geeks alike were thrilled when Google+ finally rolled out business pages back in November 2011. But one of the huge limitations of pages were the limit of only one admin per page. Any time a business or nonprofit wanted to post something,...
3 tips for fundraising in the last week of the year
People love deadlines This week is a huge week for giving! Christmas is over but there are still a few days before the end of the tax year. People are motivated by deadlines. And the end of the calendar year is a powerful deadline. Use it to your advantage. Make the...
Setting 2012 Goals and Christmas
This afternoon, I was working on my "List of 100 Things to do in 2012." While doing it, I asked my 12 year old son, "If there were one thing you and I could do together in 2012, what would it be?" He freaked out. He dramatically slumped on the kitchen counter and then...
2 easy ways to get free PR in 2012
One of your 2012 New Years resolutions should be to get more media for your nonprofit. No matter how big your marketing budget is, chances are great that you could use more exposure. More postitive exposure! I know for nonprofits, it's much easier to fundraise when...
Google+ Circles in Gmail
It's no secret that I love Google+. And it's really no secret that Google loves it too. If you needed further evidence that Google+ is changing the way Google works, check out your Gmail account. (You're not still using Hotmail or Yahoo, are you?) Last night, I...
Using video in nonprofit fundraising
Here's a 5 minute recording of CC Chapman talking with me about using video in nonprofit work. Filmed at BlogWorld Expo in Los Angeles last month, you'll see there's a lot going around in the background...including voices from on high and a loud shriek!
A Google Chat thank you for a donation?
Have you ever been thanked for a nonprofit donation over Google Chat? I just was. And it was so cool! I just made a donation to an amazing nonprofit, Amirah. [Full disclosure: I am on their board.] A couple minutes later, Google Chat popped up with the message: You...
Google+ for Nonprofits at BlogWorld Expo in LA
Here's a video of my "Google+ for Nonprofits" session from BlogWorld Expo in Los Angeles last month. There were 2 sessions about Google+ there: Guy Kawasaki and Chris Brogan did one; I did the other. This was presented days before Google opened up pages for brands....
Top 10 Blog Posts in 2011
The year is coming to a close so it's the season for "Top 10 Lists," right? Here are the list of the top 10 most popular posts published here on in 2011. # 10. was actually a tie between both: 3 Easy Phone Tips and 3 Tips for Effective Fundraising...
3 Nonprofit Lessons from The Princess Bride
I love William Goldman's classic The Princess Bride, and the movie of the same name. And as a dad, I'm proud that my kids can quote portions. (Not as much as me, but I've seen the movie a few dozen more times.) But did you know there are nonprofit lessons embedded in...
3 strategic steps for December fundraising
December 1 is almost here. And many inexperienced fundraisers are getting ready to throw in the towel. It only seems natural: In December their donors' schedules are full of holiday parties. In December, many of their donors will go to additional church services. In...
Black Friday – Cyber Monday Sale
Here in the United States, today is called "Black Friday." It's theday that most stores have sales so they can end the calendar year "in the black" (as opposed to being in the red). And the following Monday is known as "Cyber Monday"-- a time for online retailers to...
Being Thanked Never Gets Old
Since Thanksgiving is in November here in the USA, I always spend most of this month thinking about gratitude, gratefulness, and thankfulness. I wanted to post some really off-the-wall creative way to say thanks. Something that would wow you and get you to retweet...
So you have a Google+ page for your nonprofit, now what?
On Tuesday, 501 Mission Place hosted our monthly "Office Hours" on Google Hangouts. We had a blast! I hosted it using the "Hangout with extras" so I was able to give the hangout a title (not creatively called "501 Mission Place November Office Hours"). And we were...
A FundraisingKick: An easy email fundraising idea from Zappos
I don't normally share my messages to the Fundraising Kick folks here on my blog...but I am today. Here's what I sent them this week. Two weeks ago, I got an email that got me thinking “why couldn’t nonprofits do that?” Here is the entire text of the email: Dear Marc...
Can The Second Mile survive this scandal?
Over the weekend, a friend asked me if The Second Mile had any chance of surviving. After all, it now looks like it's founder, Penn State's Jerry Sandusky, created it as a place to prey on children. Can a nonprofit overcome this type of scandal My first reaction was...
How to Write Posts People Will Remember
I'm honored to introduce you to Darren Rowse, uber-blogger. I've learned alot from Darren over the years and finally got to meet him last week at BlogWorld Expo in Los Angeles. This post seemed perfectly suited to help your nonprofit retool your blog so Darren's...
6 tips to help board members work a room at a fundraising event
Last night, I was asked for some tips to help my fellow board members with a fundraising dinner on Thursday. Fundraising events so often devolve into board members huddling together in tight groups of people they all ready know. But money is raised when board members...
Google+ is open to nonprofits
If you've been waiting to join Google+ until your nonprofit or organization could have a presence on Google+? The wait is over. About 30 minutes ago, Google opened up Google+ Pages! I've scoured their introductory material and have found references to pages being for...
10 Take-aways from BlogWorld Expo
Day 2 of BlogWorld Expo was completely different from Day 1. I had some Fundraising Coach work to attend to. And I just kept getting into great conversations with cool people. But here are 10 things I got today. Read them and think about how they apply to your...
10 Things I Learned at BlogWorld Expo Day 1
This is my first BlogWorldExpo and I ended up speaking twice. I knew about one of the sessions. But I filled in for a person who didn’t show too. But even in the few sessions I could attend where I wasn’t speaking, I have learned a ton! Here are 10 things I learned in...
5 Reasons Google+ is great for job seekers
A couple months ago, I was asked why I thought Google+ is great for job seekers. Here's what I replied: I am an executive coach and a geek who loves G+. Here are five reasons I think G+ would be fabulous for job seekers. Like Twitter, you can follow anyone without...