Fundraising layups- basics to fund your nonprofit
While Google+ is fun, our nonprofits won't exist without our asking people for money. Here are some articles and interviews to help you with the basics of fundraising. Remember, even multimillion dollar NBA players do layups every week at practice. The same basics...
Google+ 1 Month Later: 3 Reasons I’m Impressed
I joined Google+ exactly one month ago. I started out with my curiosity piqued and then I got a vision for how nonprofits could benefit from Google+. I was even interviewed about Google+ last week. Here are three reasons I'm impressed with Google+. In just 1 month,...
The Folk Dance of Nonprofit Organizational Development
The Folk Dance of Nonprofit Organizational Development by Marc A. Pitman, The first three to four years of a nonprofit is a startup phase. Things are gloriously crazing. People are living on a dream. The possibilities are endless. The adrenaline...
Interviewed about Google+
Today I had the pleasure of being interviewed about Google+ along with Michael Hiles. I made sure to include how I thought nonprofit employees could leverage Google+ (and nonprofits when businesses and organizations are allowed on). You can hear the whole 45 minute...
2 more public speaking tips for the theatrically timid
A couple days ago, I offered some tips on public speaking. 2 1/2 tips to be exact. Since then, I thought of 2 more: 3. Be able to give your talk without electricity There's nothing more embarassing to watch than a presenter who's completely lost without their...
Bootleg clip from the AMA Nonprofit Marketing Conference
I've never been bootlegged before. I'm not even sure that's the correct phrase! But Elaine Fogel recorded this from my Who's Telling YOUR Nonprofit's Story? session at the American Marketing Association's 2011 Nonprofit Marketing Conference last week in Washington,...
2 1/2 Public Speaking Tips for the Theatrically Timid
Let's face it, fundraising involves speaking. Lots of it. We speak to individuals. We speak to groups. We speak to volunteers, donors, staff, peers, bosses, everyone. And some of the best exposure we can get for our cause is doing public speaking to larger groups like...
Pro Tips on Getting the Most Out of a Pay-Per-Click Campaign
If you're like me, you haven't engaged an agency to conduct a pay-per-click campaign. I wouldn't know where to start, so I'm pleased to have this guest post from Taylor Gabel. He is an Online Marketer and Entrepreneur specializing in SEO and general online money...
Job Opening: Director of Communications
Last week at the AMA Nonprofit Marketing Conference, I had the opportunity to meet Steve Rosenthal, the founder of Cross-Cultural Solutions. His description of Cross-Cultural Solutions ability to send volunteers overseas impressed me. When he mentioned they have an...
A Twitter chat for fundraising and marketing for small nonprofits – today!
Twitter chats can be a terrific way to meet new colleagues and get ideas for your work from really creative people. I'm particularly excited about the #smNPchat Pamela Grow started. We "meet" on Twitter every other Friday at noon Eastern time to discuss marketing and...
Good news about Millennials and Fundraising
This week, I'm thrilled to introduce Christina Attard. Christina is an accomplished Canadian fundraiser with a particular expertise in the areas of planned giving and millennial. I've asked her to share her take on engaging millenials in funding causes. She can be...
Getting started on Google+ for nonprofits
Last week, I wrote a post for explaining why I was checking out Google+. A week later, I love it! I've would probably stay on Google+ if I didn't have so much invested in sites like Facebook, Twitter, and FourSquare. True, I am feeling a bit overloaded. For...
Free AMA Nonprofit Marketing Conference 2011 registration contest
I'm thrilled to doing a keynote at the AMA Nonprofit Marketing Conference 2011 in Washington, DC next week. I'm even more thrilled to have one conference registration to give away! That's a $970 value! (Just the registration! Not any travel or meals!) There are loads...
3 New (fiscal) Year Resolutions
Happy New Year! Yes, I know it's not a "new year" to everyone. But a substantial majority of's readers ended their fiscal year last week. So in that spirit, here are three New Year Resolutions to help you make the next 12 months more productive...
Proof that Google+ has Facebook freaking out?
I just saw this on Facebook. I've been on Facebook for over five years and I don't think I've ever seen anything like this. Especially with Mark Zuckerberg's face. Google+ may have shaken Facebook up a bit. Yay!
Getting started on Twitter
In my college class on internet marketing, students are required to use Twitter. Their grade is dependent on it. I just wrote instructions on how to set up a Twitter account since most of them don't have one. I decided to share them here too! I hope it's helpful! If...
A thank you to nonprofit fundraisers
June 30 is the end of the fiscal year for many nonprofits. Tomorrow, the bar gets set higher. But that's tomorrow. Today, I just wanted to say 'thank you" to all of you who raise money for nonprofit, community benefit organizations. Your work is making a difference....
Fundraising interview on The Pulse Network
Can't view the video? Go here: Last month, I was with Chris Brogan's Human Business Works team at the New England Business Xpo. I had the chance to sit down and talk with...
LinkedIn for Nonprofit Professionals
This week, I’m honored to introduce you to Debra Askanase. Debra Askanase is the founder and engagement strategist at Community Organizer 2.0, which works with nonprofits and businesses to create engagement strategies that move people to action. She has impressed me...
Are you enjoying your burger?
Let me tell you about a dream I had last night I wanted to get a burger at 5 Guys. I've never had one from there and a new 5 Guys had opened up in our city. When I went there, it was packed. The line wasn't out the door, but it might as well have been. I don't like...
3 ways to help board members with leaving the board
I've had the opportunity to work with a lot of boards this year. And I'm devastated by how many board members have been telling me, "They're just interested in my money" and "They don't really care about the board; they just do their own thing anyway." Even when board...
How many more no’s can you get this month?
I really like the book Go For No! [amazon affiliate link]. It helped change my perspective on getting a "no." In this brief video, I tell you what I mean! In April, I interviewed Go For No! author Andrea Waltz as part of a special program for Fundraising Kick members....
Creative messages stick!
Cleaning my desk, I just found this "chew on this" card from our local homeless shelter. I must've received it 4-6 months ago. In that time, I've thrown out more pamphlets and brochures than I can count. But I kept this card. Maybe it was the size--bigger than a...
3 wicked easy tips to make your fundraising phone calls more effective
The phone is an important tool in the fundraiser's tool kit. Whether your fiscal year ends this month or not, June should involve a lot of phone calling. But we often forget to do these three things. Video not showing? Watch it on YouTube at...
5 Tips to Maximize Twitter chats
I last posted on Twitter chats back in April in the post 5 Twitter Tips for Fundraisers. Since then, I've really stepped up my participation in Twitter chats, particularly #blogchat: primarily about blogging; occurs most Sunday nights at 9 p.m. Eastern #speakchat:...
Thoughts on working social media from April’s #SMBME
April's Social Media Breakfast Maine was awesome. The bacon was amazing (as always). And the presentation by CC Chapman was great too! I recently found a copy of a blog post from a Blackbaud seminar that was just sort of "stream of consciousness." So I thought I'd add...
3 fundraising ideas for a strong finish to your fiscal year
For many of us, June is the end of the fiscal year. There is still time to make sure you finish this year strong. Here are my three suggestions: Revisit your no's Last year a friend told me about a campaign she was working on. Since I was familiar with her community,...
Would you help me name my next book?
One of the complaints I have received about Ask Without Fear! is that it doesn't include anything about social media. That was intentional. I wrote Ask Without Fear! for board members and volunteers. I wanted the book and subsequent DVD to be empowering and...
An introduction to the DISC personality assessment
I love assessments and tests. I love taking the MBTI and the Highlands Ability Battery. One of the most popular things I share in my fundraising trainings is the D.I.S.C. personality assessment. People love how it helps them not only relate to donors but to their own...
How trade shows are like fundraising
Yesterday, I had the privilege of representing my social media coaching with the Human Business Works team at a trade show called the "New England Xpo." Trade shows are weird. Trade shows remind me of my work as an admissions counselor. You stand at a booth, waiting...