Fundraising Secret #41: Round with your donors

As fundraisers, we know we are most effective at our job when we're talking to prospects one-on-one. Isn't it amazing how seldom we do it? I've been doing this for years but I'm still amazed at how easily we get caught up in writing case statements, designing...

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Fundraising Secret #39: Learn to love objections

If you're going to ask people for money, you've got to learn to love objections. Or at least be comfortable with them! Working on a session for the APRA conference in Boston, I'm relearning how fun objections can be. Seriously, if there were no objections, we wouldn't...

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Happy New Year! (Fiscally speaking…)

For many readers of this blog, today is the end of the fiscal year. Congratulations! You’ve made it! What are you doing to celebrate? We live in a fast paced world. And our organization's financial needs are insatiable. All too often, our year end is merely punctuated...

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Are nonprofit’s helping postpone Alzheimer’s?

Apparently 2009 is going to be the year of learning to delay Alzheimer's. In today's news, work is apparently officially proven to delay Alzheimer's. The equation? 1 year or work = 6 weeks of delay. Earlier this year, I read that drinking strong coffee may reduce the...

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Fundraising Secret #36: Keep It Simple

Last week, I had someone pay me a huge, though unintended, compliment when unsubscribing from my email newsletter. She said the content was "far too basic" for her. I was thrilled! I strive to make fundraising simple, basic, and easy to understand. Many of you have...

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2009 Nonprofit Technology Conference

This is the time of year when all the nonprofit geeks gather at NTEN's Nonprofit Technology Conference and when the rest of us who feel techincally savvy realize we're probably just geek-wannabes. 🙂 Even if you not in San Francisco, it's very easy to keep up on...

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FREE “Ask Without Fear!” Teleclass

FREE “Ask Without Fear!” Teleclass

Since this month marks the 1 year anniversary of the publication of "Ask Without Fear!", I'm deciding to have a party! On April 28 at 12 noon Eastern Time, I'll be offering a free teleclass on fundraising in today's economy. To join the call, you just need to go to...

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Managing Assumptions

In the last edition, I mentioned some points taught by Betsy Rigby, Director of Development with Partners HealthCare at the New England Association for Healthcare Philanthropy annual conference in Rhode Island last month. One was the two managment theories,...

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Ostrich Mentality: Social Media and Storytelling

The latest edition of FundRaising Success Magazine has a terrific article by Bryan Schoell called Get Your Head Out of the Sand. Here's the begining: People are talking about you online. Ignoring that fact won’t make it go away, so you’d best join in the conversation....

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Free “Twitter success” podcast

Last week, I had the privilege of being a panelist on a Twitter seminar hosted by Helping Hands for Coaches. What a spirited conversation! We had people from all over the United States, including the media person for the Phoenix Suns, and a media coach from the UK. I...

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Free podcast: Fundraising in a Recession

My grad school, Regent University's School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship invited me to do the latest in their Leadership Talks series. The topic? Fundraising in a recession of course! If you have 12 minutes, take a listen! Fundraising in a Recession.

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Managing nonprofit employees (and volunteers)

Last week I was at the annual conference for the New England Association for Healthcare Philanthropy. It was a great conference, and I did alot of tweeting. You can see all my NEAHP tweets here. A great session I went to was on managing development staff by Betsy...

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Great New Book: The Pollyanna Principles

I have a been enjoying a real treat: Hildy Gottlieb's latest book The Pollyanna Principles. This is a pretty amazing book. But we've come to expect that from Hildy! In The Pollyanna Principles, Hildy moves beyond simply telling how to run a nonprofit. She questions...

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3 Twitter habits that irritate me

With all the blog posts I've done on Twitter for nonprofits, you know I'm having a blast with Twitter. I'm connecting with old friends and new ones. I even used Twitter to rewrite a fundraising appeal! But over the last few weeks, I've seen some repeated habits that...

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Saw this on Beth Kanter's blog post Generation Generosity. Whether we're in a for-profit business or a not-for profit organization, it's far to easy to focus on scarcity. I think slides like these help us re-center on abundance. Goodness And Happiness - Why Generosity...

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Twitter: A Translation Guide

Twitter: A Translation Guide

I love Twitter. To help streamline my life, I use Twitter to update my Facebook profile status. Well earlier this week, I posted: RT @rdearborn #SROI @kanter proving she can explain complicated ROI theories and also conquer PPT templates with humorous photos. Three...

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A Salute to Ground Hog Day

In a salute to Ground Hog Day, I'm reposting Fundraising Secret #11: Don't Be A Ned. Enjoy! Fundraising Secret #11: Don't be a Ned Click on the image to watch the clip. Does this sound like your fundraising efforts? Ned: Phil? Phil Connors? Phil Connors, I thought...

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Fundraising Success #32: Don’t go it alone

True confessions: ten days ago I freaked out. I'm an optimist by nature. You know that "Is the glass half-full or half-empty" question? My standard answer is that it's always full. It's always got something in it: air, liquid, something. I regularly blog in the...

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If you’re not on Twitter… should at least be learning about using Twitter for your nonprofit. Check out the volume of tweets during the Inauguration: The green line is last week at the same time. The blue line is this week. Twitter reports up to 5 times as many tweets per SECOND during...

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21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

As a bonus, you'll get free fundraising tips every other week too!

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