Millenials aren’t really different. Charities just haven’t been paying attention! Charities have gotten used to the WORLD WAR II GENERATION’s trust in big social programs. Big programs overcame the Great Depression and overcame Hitler, right? So if...
Baby boomers represent 43% of giving in USA Blackbaud just released it’s Next Generation of American Giving study (and a nifty interactive infographic). According to their research, Baby Boomers accounted for 43% of giving in the USA last year. While I generally...
I just got back from a talk about the changing labor force in Maine. It’s a very complex and challenging picture. The short form is that we’re facing an aging population without the evidence of a younger people coming in to fill the jobs. And the older...
Elizabeth Schwinn over at has a great post about direct mail fundraising. Studies are showing that boomers are responding at about the same rate as their parents. Apparently, boomers haven’t gotten the news that direct mail isn’t working....