I woke up this morning to my Twitter stream being filled with tweets about the royal wedding–both people watching it and people tweeting about people watching it! Those tweets got me thinking about fundraising…because that’s just how I am. 🙂 3 Ways...
In writing up a project for a client, I drafted this short reminder on how to write effective fundraising letters. What else would you add? The letter is personalized “Dear Friend” doesn’t cut it. Studies show the first thing people look for is their address is at the...
Frank Barry recently came out with a report on nonprofits and social media. He definitely “gets” social media and nonprofits! So I asked him to do a guest blog post for FundraisingCoach.com. Here it is! Frank is manager of professional services at...
A few weeks back, I posted this question: Q: As an E.D., what percentage of my time should be spent on fund raising? I am relatively new at this and want to balance my schedule. My answer was something like, “100%.” And I got some comeuppance. Here are...
Since this month marks the 1 year anniversary of the publication of “Ask Without Fear!”, I’m deciding to have a party! On April 28 at 12 noon Eastern Time, I’ll be offering a free teleclass on fundraising in today’s economy. To join the...