At Blackbaud’s Conference for the Philanthropic Community in Austin this week, I got to hear Austin Graff share tips from his experiences with IJM (International Justice Mission) and Honest Tea. He said two things that are super simple and super powerful for...
I last posted on Twitter chats back in April in the post 5 Twitter Tips for Fundraisers. Since then, I’ve really stepped up my participation in Twitter chats, particularly #blogchat: primarily about blogging; occurs most Sunday nights at 9 p.m. Eastern...
Frank Barry recently came out with a report on nonprofits and social media. He definitely “gets” social media and nonprofits! So I asked him to do a guest blog post for Here it is! Frank is manager of professional services at...
What would you do if your nonprofit’s only web presence and online fundraising were in Facebook? I recently loaded Facebook but got this page. Apparently, Facebook was experiencing instability. While it still happens frequently with Twitter, this is rare in my...
“Sheesh. I can’t remember their name…but if I saw their face! Then I’d know them!” How often have you heard that said? Or said it yourself? If you’re doing nonprofit marketing or fundraising on the web with social media like...