If you’re a bit like me, registering for a conference is not something you look forward to. I hem and haw. I procrastinate. And I get more and more stressed as the deadline draw closer. But once I’ve registered, all that stress leaves. Because I’m...
Upcoming Fundraising and Nonprofit Trainings If you’re looking for free or low-cost, high-quality fundraising training, here are three events to check out! And each are being recorded so even if you miss them live, you should be able to access them later! Social...
As much as I love to do in-person leadership and fundraising trainings, sometimes you just can’t get to them. So webinars can be incredibly helpful. Over the last few months, I’ve done webinars for NCDC, qGiv, NonprofitHub, and Bloomerang. Webinars on...
Have you ever been asked by a board member, “Isn’t there some other way of funding our work rather than asking for money?” Or have you thought that yourself? Well, NonprofitHub’s CEO Randy Hawthorne says, “Yes!” He is experienced at...
I regularly get asked “Are you coming to my area?” Most of my fundraising training and speaking is currently done for nonprofits that bring me in to speak to their boards and teams. I also get to speak and keynote at conferences. Here are the upcoming...
I’m honored to be giving the first webinar in Blackbaud’s npEXPERTS series! Donors Don’t Live in One Place so Why Do Your Communications? I’ll be sharing four ways to make sure you are integrating communications for your online donors and your...