A few weeks ago, a Twitter hashtag, #lessambitiousmovies, caught my attention. It was around 10:30 p.m. after a hard day and I had a blast coming up with appropriate movie titles. Apparently I tweeted alot in 30 minutes! @jonaha sent me this screenshot. I’d...
This week, I’m honored to introduce Joanne Fritz. Joanne is the About.com guide for their Nonprofit and Charitable Orgs section. She originally posted this wake-up call on her blog there. Read it and take a hard look at how you’re stewarding volunteers! by...
Earlier this month, I mentioned how excited I was about the products that I’ve got coming out this year. Today, I get to announce another really cool offering: the “Ask Without Fear! DVD”! Many of you who’ve read my book or attended my seminars...
I’ve just created a page of the inspirational quotations used in my fundraising training book. These have helped so many of the thousands of people that have read the book that I’ll also be sharing some of them on Twitter with the hashtag #awfquotes. There...
I just watched this video from Scott Harrison, founder of charity:water filmed at last year’s NextGenCharity conference. Watch this. Scott’s background helped him to actually hear people’s objections to normal “charity.” So he set out to...
This week, I’m honored to introduce John Haydon. John knows Facebook and he knows nonprofits. In this post, he shares some apps for using Facebook even more effectively! Check out his blog at www.JohnHaydon.com To help you get the most out of your Facebook Page,...