I’ve just created a page of the inspirational quotations used in my fundraising training book. These have helped so many of the thousands of people that have read the book that I’ll also be sharing some of them on Twitter with the hashtag #awfquotes. There...
I just watched this video from Scott Harrison, founder of charity:water filmed at last year’s NextGenCharity conference. Watch this. Scott’s background helped him to actually hear people’s objections to normal “charity.” So he set out to...
This week, I’m honored to introduce John Haydon. John knows Facebook and he knows nonprofits. In this post, he shares some apps for using Facebook even more effectively! Check out his blog at www.JohnHaydon.com To help you get the most out of your Facebook Page,...
Q: How do I get started blogging and using Twitter? Are there classes I can take? Great questions. Blogging and tweeting can be terrific ways to do the “engage” and “love” steps of the “Get R.E.A.L.” fundraising process! Here are...
With this guest post, I’m pleased to introduce Katya Andresen. Katya is the COO of Network for Good and the author of Robin Hood Marketing. I love Katya’s ability to help nonprofits focus their marketing and I talk about her in most of my trainings! Folks,...
I can hear you already, “Ballroom dancing?! What does ballroom dancing have to do with fundraising?” First, as a life coach, I help people define success in all areas of their life, not just their jobs. So naturally, while you’re reading tips on this blog, I’m hoping...