Lately I’ve been getting lots of questions about how individuals can fundraise for walkathon events and many other -athons: bike-a-thons, bowl-a-thons, etc. So I wrote down some of the basic advice I was giving. When I finished, it was a 5-page article!! Rather...
I’m surprised by how many nonprofit professionals see “marketing” as a bad word, a practice that is somehow beneath them. If that’s your attitude, a new book called Guerrilla Marketing for Nonprofits will help you move beyond that and become...
As I mentioned in an earlier post, Ask Without Fear! was listed on two years ago. Last week I asked for suggestions about songs that dealt with Research. Some of the answers were: “The Gambler” Kenny Rogers “Private Eyes are Watching...
As most of you know, I am an avid fan of social media tools like Twitter and Facebook. They don’t replace normal fundraising techniques, but they sure to extend our ability to reach our donors and donor prospects. So this week, I want to tell you about a cool...
Waterville’s amazing librarian, Sarah Sugden passed on this terrific article from the New York Times, How to Market Your Business With Facebook. It’s well worth reading for nonprofits too. For instance, take this great advice: Some basic rules: Buy-buy-buy...
In the last three weeks, I’ve given five talks about social media and fundraising to various groups of development officers. Today I was asked to sum up one of the sessions. Summing up social media without slides is challenging but here was my attempt: Social...