The power of thanking and #npstoryconf

Even though I'm currently doing fundraising trainings in Europe, I'm still basking in the glow of the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference in Seattle. An amazing experience I've probably been to hundreds of conferences. But this one was like no other. A couple hundred...

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Quick storytelling tip for nonprofit board members

Quick storytelling tip for nonprofit board members

Being a nonprofit board member can be an exciting adventure. You're part of something bigger than yourself, doing incredible work. But the joy tends to evaporate when you're asked to talk about your nonprofit to your friends. My coaching clients often ask me questions...

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Get new donors with Facebook Ads?

Get new donors with Facebook Ads?

Are you confused about Facebook Advertising and how it applies to your nonprofit fundraising? You know that your donors and prospects are on Facebook. Facebook ads are becoming a must in today's pay-to-play Facebook model but where do you start? And how much do you...

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Get jazzed when a donor says “no”!

Get jazzed when a donor says “no”!

As I wrote earlier this week, some of my coaching clients are being transformed by the idea of keeping on going until we get no. This concept is helping them keep up their endurance in asking. And it's helping donors really connect to causes that matter to them. So...

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Sometimes, you need to go for no

I just finished writing my latest "Question Marc" column for FundRaising Success magazine answering a question from "Panicked in Pasadena." Panicked was that way because donors weren't responding to her solicitations. Can you relate? We stop too soon One of the tips I...

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Free Donor Stewardship Class!

Free Donor Stewardship Class!

[UPDATED 9/2/14 with the recording of the special hour-plus long class!] We're rapidly moving toward the most generous time of the year. Many nonprofits see 30% or more of their annual donations in December. But according to recent studies by Google, September is when...

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Are you ready for donors using LinkedIn?

Are you ready for donors using LinkedIn?

In teaching nonprofit social media, I call LinkedIn the "little engine that could." Started in late 2002, LinkedIn has seen many social media platforms rise and fall. (Anyone remember Friendster or MySpace?) But LinkedIn keeps trucking along. And in my non-scientific...

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How to get new donors

How to get new donors

As a fundraising coach, one of the most common questions I get is about how to get new donors for a nonprofit. The question was well summed up in this question from an Ask Without Fear! email newsletter subscriber: "How do I acquire new donors? I find that people keep...

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Training: Fundraising for Christian Ministry

Fundraising isn't easy. But fundraising for your own ministry support can be even harder! Steve Shadrach knows that better than most. And he has tips and strategies for helping you raise your support and deepening your relationship with God. Ministry fundraising...

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The Nonprofit Academy joins The Fundraising Coach

The Nonprofit Academy joins The Fundraising Coach

Fundraising training has never been more affordable! You may have already heard the news: The Fundraising Coach will now be directing The Nonprofit Academy! And I couldn't be more thrilled!! Started by Kirsten Bullock, The Nonprofit Academy has become one of the most...

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Why I pay for the Chronicle of Philanthropy

Why I pay for the Chronicle of Philanthropy

Years ago, the school that employed me as a fundraiser paid for a subscription to the Chronicle of Philanthropy. So when I began running a development shop, I made sure the Chronicle subscription was in my budget. But then, somewhere along the line, I realized two...

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Nonprofit Marketing Tips from 19 Experts

Nonprofit Marketing Tips from 19 Experts

A while ago, I was invited to be a guest lecturer at Brandeis. As my friend David Mersky was introducing me, I put this question across various social media platforms: RIGHT NOW: Nonprofit people, what marketing tips would you tell a graduate class on philanthropy?...

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15 Social Media Tips for Ministry Fundraising

15 Social Media Tips for Ministry Fundraising

This month's Church Executive features an interview with me on how pastors can use social media for fundraising. The editor pulled out 15 of the most important tips I've learned, both pastoring a church and in coaching church planters and others in ministry...

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21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

As a bonus, you'll get free fundraising tips every other week too!

Help your board fundraise for nonprofit with this FREE ebook

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