A truth about major gift fundraising

A truth about major gift fundraising

Major gift fundraising can be a wonderful experience for donors and for the nonprofit. The results are great - both for donors and for the nonprofits. But an unseemly truth about major gift fundraising is: it's hard. There are times of long, disciplined waiting. I...

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Is #GivingTuesday worth it?

Is #GivingTuesday worth it?

I've been getting alot of questions about #GivingTuesday. So here are some thoughts and some links to more insights. A few weeks ago, Farra Trompeter and I discussed #GivingTuesday as part of a year end effort on Blackbaud's #NoFilter Podcast. (You can listen to that...

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Is crowdfunding the right fit for your nonprofit?

Is crowdfunding the right fit for your nonprofit?

I've been fundraising since before Facebook. Even before Google existed! I've seen a lot of fads, tricks, and solid strategies in my time. Two of the most persistent seem to be bake sales and crowdfunding. (Seriously, a startling number of well meaning supporters...

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Taming the Special Event Monster

Taming the Special Event Monster

You know it’s there, lurking in the shadows of your workload. You try to avoid it, but sooner or later it must be dealt with. Your organization is relying on you to step in and be the hero. Now is the time to take a stand and conquer your fears. It is time to take...

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Your fundraising letters helped by zombies

Your fundraising letters helped by zombies

Have you ever struggled with the active voice vs. passive voice in your fundraising letters? It's so easy to slip into the passive voice, thinking it sounds more "objective" or "business-like." But active voice is easier to read and is better at accomplishing your...

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Telling Stories that Move Donors to Give

Telling Stories that Move Donors to Give

It was the midst of the Great Recession, and about one in ten people across the U.S. were out of work. Amadou was one of them. Unemployment benefits helped his family, for a while. But he had worked for a low wage, and his benefits were only a fraction of that—and...

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Giving continues to grow

Giving continues to grow

Fundraising in nonprofits can be an almost thankless task. At the end of each fiscal year, no matter how well you did, you start again at zero. It can feel like funds don't come in as quickly as you or your leaders would like. In fact, it's easy to start thinking that...

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#FollowUpFriday and piling up fish?

#FollowUpFriday and piling up fish?

I just sent this out to everyone getting weekly #FollowUpFriday email reminders: It's #FollowUpFriday!It's Follow Up Friday! Over on the http://followupfriday.org/ page, D.C. Dreger quoted a John Grisham character calling today "fish Friday." D.C. says, "These are...

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One of 2016’s top 25 Fundraising Experts

One of 2016’s top 25 Fundraising Experts

I'm honored to find myself on the list of America's Top 25 Fundraising Experts. It's great to be in the company of people like Jerold Panas, Penelope Burk, Tom Ahern, and Simone Joyaux. You can see more about the list at: 2016 America's Top 25 Fundraising...

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Mobile Giving 101

Mobile Giving 101

Mobile giving is one of the hottest topics in town. That being said, many people have been throwing the term around without fully understanding its practices or implications. It’s more than just texting to give. And that’s precisely why we’ve crafted this essential...

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Is your mission statement trying too hard?

Is your mission statement trying too hard?

Can you recite your nonprofit's mission statement? Does it inspire and energize? Or is is more like a laundry list of tasks? If it sounds like tasks, it's hurting your fundraising. Your nonprofit's mission is vital. It's needed. It should inspire passion. When it...

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One way to avoid a failed capital campaign

One way to avoid a failed capital campaign

Recently, I've been getting a lot of questions about capital campaigns. Some nonprofits are going into them wisely, knowing that they have one-time additional costs to be able to better fulfill their mission. Others are looking at a campaign like a "Hail Mary" pass -...

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What is The Concord Leadership Group LLC?

What is The Concord Leadership Group LLC?

Some of you have been seeing my name associated with at group called "The Concord Leadership Group LLC." You've seen it mentioned in the emails you get from The Fundraising Coach. And over the last few weeks, since the release of the nonprofit sector leadership...

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Watch the fundraising objections fall to the floor

Watch the fundraising objections fall to the floor

Last week, I was invited to give a full day Ask Without Fear!® training in Kansas City. We had a blast. One of the exercises involved overcoming objections…even before they come up. The process was: The participants pictured someone on their “chicken list” - a...

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A warning about fall fundraising appeals

A warning about fall fundraising appeals

  Fall fundraising is hard enough. But listening to NPR's All Things Considered on my ride home this evening, I remembered how much more challenging political mailing will make your fundraising this fall. So I pulled to the side of the rode to record this...

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4 things to check as you begin 2016

4 things to check as you begin 2016

I find it so easy to keep looking for the new thing, pressing toward the next deadline, looking for the next big "win," that I tend to forget routine maintenance systems. But just like our cars need routine maintenance or they'll fall apart, so do our fundraising...

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PSA: Check your nonprofit’s donation page NOW

PSA: Check your nonprofit’s donation page NOW

Don't let this happen to you! Last night, my wife and I were doing some year-end giving. We went to a nonprofit we love and found this on their donation page: Where there should have been a giving form, there was just a line of code. No way to give online at all....

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21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

As a bonus, you'll get free fundraising tips every other week too!

Help your board fundraise for nonprofit with this FREE ebook

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