Fundraising online is all the rage. While online fundraising isn’t replacing other forms of fundraising just yet, it is an important part of the donation mix. And the benefits of having effective online giving are many: Increased convenience for donors Ability...
For more free fundraising tips right to your inbox, sign up for the free Ask Without Fear! email newsletter at: Forrest Gump could have said, Momma always said, ‘Fundraising’s like a Waldorf Salad. You gotta mix it up...
This week I am pleased to introduce you to Naomi Hamilton. Based in Australia, Naomi is the Digital Marketing Consultant for Blackbaud Pacific. This was originally published on the NetWitsThinkTank blog, where she’s a regular contributor. And you can follow her...
Ever have one of those to-do lists that keeps getting added to but never seems to have things getting crossed off? They can become garbage barges loaded with the guilt of undone tasks. Here’s a quick tip to help you get more done: schedule your to-do’s....
I woke up this morning to my Twitter stream being filled with tweets about the royal wedding–both people watching it and people tweeting about people watching it! Those tweets got me thinking about fundraising…because that’s just how I am. 🙂 3 Ways...