If you’ve been paying attention to recent trends in philanthropic giving, you’ve probably noticed that digital fundraising and online giving have become more and more popular among donors. But how can you make this trend work for you? Digital fundraising never stops...
I’ve been hearing a well-meaning but fundraising killing myth while talking to many groups and training many boards over the last few months. It boils down to: “We need to do more education. If people really knew what we did, they would give money and our...
A coaching client just told me a powerful story of following up. For about six months, he was following up with three supporters. Each had made small donations in the past, less then $1,000 each. After about five months of following up, one donor said he’d make...
We live in the best time to fundraise! No longer are we at the mercy of the latest anecdote. Now we have a growing body of solid research into how to best help donors to invest in what matters to them most! Take this as an example: for over a year, the folks at...
This morning, I was inspired by reading “The Ball is Always in Your Court” on the ForImpact.org blog. So I’m declaring today Follow Up Friday. In the post, Tom Suddes says that of the three parts of any ask, the follow up is the most important. I...