I was just checking in with Facebook, when an NTEN ad caught my eye. It wasn’t the image. (Not sure what that is.) But it was the “You’re already a fan of NTEN…” line. Let’s face it, most Facebook ads are as effective as community...
Frank Barry recently came out with a report on nonprofits and social media. He definitely “gets” social media and nonprofits! So I asked him to do a guest blog post for FundraisingCoach.com. Here it is! Frank is manager of professional services at...
I was just on a call with fellow members of the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy folks when someone asked, “Does anyone here use Twitter or Facebook?” It appeared I was the only one using social media for my nonprofit. Many wanted to, but their IT departments...
…you should at least be learning about using Twitter for your nonprofit. Check out the volume of tweets during the Inauguration: The green line is last week at the same time. The blue line is this week. Twitter reports up to 5 times as many tweets per SECOND...
I love the benefits of social media: the ability to make connections, meet people I’d never meet staying here in Maine, two-way conversation rather than simply one-way broadcasting, etc. So I’ve added Google FriendConnect to my site. Just go to...