Like to be entered Facebook promotions used to be a weird thing. Nonprofits did them but technically, they risked Facebook deleting their page. Facebooks changes its terms again. This time for the good! Now according to Facebook’s blog you can run those...
I get lots of questions similar to this all the time: Quick question: Do you have a few favorite donor database software recommendations. Especially for collecting donor giving habits. My answer Here are the ones I hear good things about from clients. I’m most...
Today I get to introduce you to Steven Shattuck, Vice President of Marketing at Bloomerang, the exciting new donor relationship management software that makes it easy to focus on donor retention. I’be been getting to know him over the last few months an love his...
Baby boomers represent 43% of giving in USA Blackbaud just released it’s Next Generation of American Giving study (and a nifty interactive infographic). According to their research, Baby Boomers accounted for 43% of giving in the USA last year. While I generally...
I’m glad to introduce you to Tom Harrison, the CEO of Russ Reid. Tom and I are members of the FundRaising Success Editorial Advisory Board and were able to present at a recent conference in Philadelphia. He has an amazing mind for nonprofits and a good sense of...
Amazon is promoting my newest book Nonprofit Social Media: A beginner’s guide to building donor relationships from your desk. On Thursday, July 18, Amazon is giving the Kindle version away for free. Just go to to see if they’ve set...