by Marc A. Pitman | Dec 2, 2008 | 2. Engage, 3. Ask, Fundraising Secrets, Stories
In Secrets of Closing the Sale, Zig Ziglar says: Each year over 5 million quarter-inch drills are sold, yet it’s safe to say that nobody wants a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole. Isn’t that great? We do that in fundraising too. Donations...
by Marc A. Pitman | Nov 23, 2008 | 2. Engage, 3. Ask
Does your fundraising conversation with donors look like this: Or is it more like this? Donor Centered Fundraising We tend to sell tools: tax-deductions, planned giving tools, stock transfers. We get all wrapped up in them. Fundraising tools should always be...
by Marc A. Pitman | Nov 21, 2008 | 2. Engage, 3. Ask
The Chronicle of Philanthropy highlighted an article in the Washington Post: Americans still giving, despite economic meltdown. Kudos to the Washington Post and the AP. It’s great to see more media outlets talking about fundraising in a recession using the...
by Marc A. Pitman | Nov 19, 2008 | 2. Engage
FundRaising Success has a nice summary of a talk given by Blackbaud’s Samantha Cohen. As I Gen-Xer myself, I found this quote particularly compelling. “Tell them you want to end world hunger, and they’ll say, ‘No, you’re not,’” she said. “Tell them you want to...
by Marc A. Pitman | Oct 17, 2008 | 2. Engage, 4. Love (Stewardship), Internet & Social Media, Samples & Tools
Brian Solis wrote an amazing post today listing loads of Twitter tools for building community. In his post, he gives a description and links to each of these tools: twubble GroupTweet twitt(url)y TwitLinks TweetDeck Gridjit Tweet Later Twist Twerp Scan Summize Twemes...
by Marc A. Pitman | Oct 16, 2008 | 2. Engage, Education Opportunities, Internet & Social Media, Samples & Tools
I’m pleased that my Twitter for Nonprofits blog post is helping people venture into Twitter and other social media! After that post, a fellow Twitter follower, Jon Swanson, recommended following Cheryl Smith of CultureSmith Consulting. I agree! Her blog has...