Content calendar templates for social media

Content calendar templates for social media

Earlier this week, I wrote on how to jumpstart your year end giving. In it, I mentioned scheduling your social media updates to complement your fundraising letters. Keeping up with your own blog as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn can be daunting....

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Free fundraising tips and ideas in 3 podcasts!

Free fundraising tips and ideas in 3 podcasts!

In the past week, I was privileged to be the guest on three terrific podcasts! In each I was asked various aspects of fundraising. Ted Hart's Nonprofit Radio On Ted's show, about 15-20 minutes in, we talked about Ask Without Fear! and the ins and outs of major gift...

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Fundraising for ministry support

Fundraising for ministry support

A couple weeks ago, I gave a series of lectures at the Funding Your Ministry Symposium to over 100 coaches from around the world. These people represented 48 different missionary associations including large organizations like The Navigators, InterVarsity, Cru, YWAM,...

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Throw statistics out of your fundraising letters!

Throw statistics out of your fundraising letters!

A couple weeks ago, I was grounded in Newark, NJ so I got to listen to some NJ radio. One ad for a nonprofit caught my attention and then quickly failed. I blogged about it at Does the phrase "tax deductible" kill donations? And I gave some suggestions on how the ad...

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Shame on UNICEF for attacking “slacktivism”

Shame on UNICEF for attacking “slacktivism”

The Chronicle of Philanthropy just posted a note about an article in The Atlantic called "UNICEF Tells Slacktivists: Give Money, Not Facebook Likes." This really bothers me. How dare we as NGOs or nonprofits command people in how to support us. How dare we berate them...

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[Guest Post] Why Donors Stop Giving

[Guest Post] Why Donors Stop Giving

I've been a fan of Jay Love for years. I even interviewed him for my radio show back in 2008! He gets both databases and effective fundraising. So I asked him if he'd write a post on donor retention. Jay is a serial entrepreneur, the creator of eTapestry and now the...

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The Donor Retention Project works!

The Donor Retention Project works!

Last week we released The Donor Retention Project. Yesterday, I got this email from an already satisfied customer: Thanks for the Donor Retention Project! I've finished the first two segments. We're doing a lot of what is recommended and it's sparked a couple more...

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Give a lunch for professional development

Give a lunch for professional development

I run into so many nonprofit leaders who don't "have time" for professional development. "I have so much to do I don't have any time for myself." One of the interesting things about self-talk: what we say over and over, especially with emotion, can hypnotize us. It...

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Making it easy to spread your message

Making it easy to spread your message

Thanks to our digital age, people can now spread the message of their favorite cause further than ever before. But is your nonprofit helping them? The End It Movement Does It Right! Today, I saw a post about the End It Movement. I was thoroughly impressed. They've...

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FREE npEXPERTS Webinar Tomorrow

FREE npEXPERTS Webinar Tomorrow

I'm honored to be giving the first webinar in Blackbaud's npEXPERTS series! Donors Don’t Live in One Place so Why Do Your Communications? I'll be sharing four ways to make sure you are integrating communications for your online donors and your offline donors. We'll...

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Explosive growth: The Donor Retention Project

Explosive growth: The Donor Retention Project

Wow! Response to The Donor Retention Project has been so strong, you all crashed the servers yesterday! Fortunately Chris at 501 Videos has the situation fixed and they were up and running within a few hours. What's all the fuss? Donor retention is, that's what. Some...

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What keeps you up at night?

What keeps you up at night?

For her weekly FundRaising Success Magazine post, Jo Black Sullivan asked a bunch of us fundraiser-folk what kept us awake at night. People like me, Roger Craver, Jeff Jowdy, and more. Here's the video of all of us. It cut out the screen-printed bow tie on my t-shirt...

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Just do it already!

  Now That person you've been scared of asking to make a specific contribution to your nonprofit? Ask her now. That note of appreciation to your board member that you've been putting off? Write it now. That staff member that just did something that makes your job...

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Shoe Shine guy gives $200,000

This man, Albert Lexie, shines shoes at a hospital in Pittsburgh. Over the last 30 years, he's given all his tips to the charity care fund at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. That's added up to $200,000 so far! From a shoe shine guy! All that glitters... I love...

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What if we just called them part of the family?

What if we just called them part of the family?

A couple weeks ago, I had the privilege of hosting the Nonprofit Blog Carnival. I asked some of the nonprofit industry’s top bloggers how they kept donors coming back. 16 experts shared their best tips. 7 out of 10 don’t come back One of the shocking statistics is...

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Check your Google+ page image

Check your Google+ page image

Your Google+ page just changed. Google has increased the cover image size to 2120 x 1192, from 940 x 180. And the profile image is now an ugly circle, not a square. I'm not a fan of the change. If you have a Google+ page, and you should, check it out to make sure it...

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21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

As a bonus, you'll get free fundraising tips every other week too!

Help your board fundraise for nonprofit with this FREE ebook

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