A warning about fall fundraising appeals

A warning about fall fundraising appeals

  Fall fundraising is hard enough. But listening to NPR's All Things Considered on my ride home this evening, I remembered how much more challenging political mailing will make your fundraising this fall. So I pulled to the side of the rode to record this...

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4 things to check as you begin 2016

4 things to check as you begin 2016

I find it so easy to keep looking for the new thing, pressing toward the next deadline, looking for the next big "win," that I tend to forget routine maintenance systems. But just like our cars need routine maintenance or they'll fall apart, so do our fundraising...

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PSA: Check your nonprofit’s donation page NOW

PSA: Check your nonprofit’s donation page NOW

Don't let this happen to you! Last night, my wife and I were doing some year-end giving. We went to a nonprofit we love and found this on their donation page: Where there should have been a giving form, there was just a line of code. No way to give online at all....

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How to not bore your donors to tears

How to not bore your donors to tears

Do you fear your donors are bored with you? Here's some good news: with all the holiday parties at this time of year, you have virtual laboratory for learning to be interesting! How to be interesting to your donors In his classic How to Win Friends and Influence...

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Enter into the DONOR’S story

Enter into the DONOR’S story

Last week at the Blackbaud conference, I heard yet another story of good fundraising letters being eviscerated by marketing. Unfortunately, it happens all the time. A fundraiser studies her craft, reads the results of fundraising tests, and creates a compelling...

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4 Questions to Answer for Monthly Giving #bbcon

4 Questions to Answer for Monthly Giving #bbcon

I'm attending the last day of BBCON - Blackbaud's Conference for the Philanthropic Community and just got to here an amazing 15-minute session by Brady Josephson. He outlined the four questions you need to answer when setting up your monthly giving program. Here they...

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Fundraising problems are LEADERSHIP problems

Fundraising problems are LEADERSHIP problems

A couple weeks ago, I shared a story with nonprofit executive directors who get my Fundraising Kick coaching emails. It's important enough that I want to share it with you too. In September, I was privileged to keynote for the Utah Nonprofits Association. My talk was...

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The right use of “we” in fundraising

The right use of “we” in fundraising

This morning, I read a great post by Terry St. Marie called "The Critical First Step For Great Leadership: The Journey From 'I' to 'We'." His movement from ego-centricity to inclusiveness is something as critical in fundraising as it is in leadership. Normally "we" is...

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Declare today – Follow Up Friday!

Declare today – Follow Up Friday!

This morning, I was inspired by reading "The Ball is Always in Your Court" on the ForImpact.org blog. So I'm declaring today Follow Up Friday. In the post, Tom Suddes says that of the three parts of any ask, the follow up is the most important. I agree. In fact, I...

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A surprising way to increase planned gifts

A surprising way to increase planned gifts

I love that we live in a time of actual research of fundraising. We're finally moving beyond anecdotes to verified research by groups like the Centre for Sustainable Philanthropy. (In the interest of full disclosure: I am on the Advisory Panel for the think tank...

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Upcoming Nonprofit Leadership Talks & Training

Upcoming Nonprofit Leadership Talks & Training

Are you in Orlando, Salt Lake City, Austin, Seattle, or Kansas City? I'll be coming to each and would love to get together. Most of my work is private, with individual executive directors and their nonprofit teams. But I also love giving leadership and fundraising...

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How To Tell a Powerful Fundraising Story

How To Tell a Powerful Fundraising Story

We've all heard that science proves stories are more powerful than statistics. Kendall Haven's book Story Proof: The Science Behind the Startling Power of Story goes into great detail about hundreds and hundreds of studies. We've seen storytelling seminars for...

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Happy National Bow Tie Day!

Happy National Bow Tie Day!

I love National Bow Tie Day! I knew I'd worn bowties since kindergarten but a while back, my mother found a picture of me wearing a bow tie when I was 3 years old! It seems that my father went through a brief bow tie phase back in the 1970's. I must've caught it from...

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Are you giving donors the right clues?

Are you giving donors the right clues?

When we're close to a system or procedure, we just assume everyone else knows what we know. We do this all the time with donors and board members. It's like we've set up a system of roads but only put half the road signs up. I explain more in this short video. (I...

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Sharpen your saw this July

Sharpen your saw this July

July can be an odd month in fundraising. Many nonprofits finish their fiscal year, so this is the first month with a new goal. Starting from zero. Even those that don't have fiscal years starting, July is often a challenging month. Donors tend to be less responsive....

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How your nonprofit got into its fundraising mess

How your nonprofit got into its fundraising mess

When people join a nonprofit or start one, they typically think they're going to get to do the "mission" - feeding kids, promoting art, conserving land, caring for the elderly, protecting animals. They rarely think about the funding. (Oddly, many fundraisers often...

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Thank you for connecting donors with mission

Thank you for connecting donors with mission

Happy New (fiscal) Year! For many FundraisingCoach.com readers, today - July 1st - is the start of a brand new fiscal year. The amount raised starts at zero but the goals are set higher. As fundraisers, we rarely get thanked, and that's fine. The nature of our work...

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Donor Fatigue – the rest of the story

Donor Fatigue – the rest of the story

In his recent post, Jeff Brooks agreed with my "Donor Fatigue" video. And he went a step further. Like a newly minted Paul Harvey, he tells “the rest of the story.” Fundraiser Fatigue I love his concept of “fundraiser fatigue”! He says that we get tired of saying the...

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Charitable giving grows again!

Charitable giving grows again!

The new GivingUSA report is out. The estimates of last year's giving, the most recent on record, appear to be the best in the 60 years of tracking. As a sector, we are still impressed by low-growth. But 5% growth is better than no growth! According to GivingUSA's...

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21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

As a bonus, you'll get free fundraising tips every other week too!

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