4 Disney Lessons to Transform Your Donor Retention

4 Disney Lessons to Transform Your Donor Retention

I'm just finishing up another family trip to Walt Disney World. Every time I'm here, I study the culture, habits, and design of the parks and resorts. I'm fascinated by their attention to detail, their ability to create brand new merchandising opportunities, and their...

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CEO’s: It’s not THEIR first date!

CEO’s: It’s not THEIR first date!

Over the last 18 months or so, I've been hearing a similar phrase from a number of my nonprofit executive coaching clients. The phrase? "I don't ask on the first date." This is often said with a self-righteous smuggness, as though the CEO is taking the moral high...

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Fundraising certainly is fun!

Fundraising certainly is fun!

I often remind people that fundraising is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes hard work, strategic planning, and most importantly consistent execution of the plans. But it's important to remember that fundraising is fun! We get to connect donors' assets with their...

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Are you using that all wrong?

Are you using that all wrong?

Sometimes, we get so used to using something, we don't realize we're using it the wrong way. Here are three tools that nonprofits use all the time. And many use the wrong way. Common uses and a better way Donor Database Common use: Recording gifts and keeping...

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Upcoming Leadership Trainings

Upcoming Leadership Trainings

One of the joys of my work is getting to speak at conferences and inspire boards. Since, I'm often asked "When are you coming to my area?", I thought I'd share my upcoming speaking gigs. March 9-11: Closing Plenary at the New England Association for Healthcare...

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The 5 Best Leadership Books for Nonprofit Leaders

The 5 Best Leadership Books for Nonprofit Leaders

An executive coaching client recently asked me about my favorite 2 or 3 leadership books. Here are the first five that came to mind. Not surprisingly, each one is within easy reach of my desk. And I find myself thinking about their concepts or quoting them practically...

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3 myths of email fundraising

3 myths of email fundraising

More and more of people coming to me for coaching seem to think that fundraising can be done 100% online. They want help setting up a website and getting on social media. It's as though there must be a great pool of donors just waiting to give and putting up a website...

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Donor stewardship and Acres of Diamonds

Donor stewardship and Acres of Diamonds

A couple weeks ago, I was working with my son on a school project. We are having him study 10 great speeches from USA history. In looking at top 10 and top 100 lists, I was thrilled to come across Russell Conwell's Acres of Diamonds. I'd read this dozens of times...

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The Secret to Raising More in 2014

The Secret to Raising More in 2014

Every week, I have a conversation like this with a nonprofit leader: Nonprofit Leader: "We need to find new donors." (As though there's a magic bullet, a secret place to find new donors.) Me: "Why do you want to find new donors?" NL (incredulously, like I'm an idiot):...

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Is there a Ron Newell in your donor pool?

Is there a Ron Newell in your donor pool?

Did you hear the latest story about an unassuming millionaire? According to Foster's Daily Democrat, Ron Newell was a quiet truck driver in Dover, NH. He liked kids and animals, especially dogs. Last August, Mr. Newell passed away at the age of 78. Last week, two...

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How to do telephone fundraising in December

At this point in the year, you’ve already sent your direct mail fundraising letter. (You have, haven’t you?) So this can be an awful time, marked by nail biting and incessantly looking at database reports to see if anyone has given. It can feel like fundraising is...

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It’s #GivingTuesday!!

It’s #GivingTuesday!!

#GivingTuesday is here! Last Thursday was Thanksgiving here in the USA. Last Friday was "Black Friday," the day retailers hope to sell enough to end the year in the black. Yesterday was #CyberMonday, the online retail version of Black Friday. Today is #GivingTuesday!...

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Is your nonprofit ready for #GivingTuesday?

Is your nonprofit ready for #GivingTuesday?

Giving Tuesday is right around the corner. Does your nonprofit have a plan? What is #GivingTuesday? Here in the United States, the Friday after Thanksgiving has become known as "Black Friday"-- it's the day many retailers sell so much that they end the year "in the...

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3 Things to Make Your Ask Easier

3 Things to Make Your Ask Easier

This is the time of the year to be asking people for money. Based on conversations with clients from around the world, December 31 is a powerful motivator for people's giving. As I've been telling my Fundraising Kick members, you need to be out asking people between...

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Who pays the tab at a meeting with a donor?

Who pays the tab at a meeting with a donor?

During a recent coaching call, my client asked me to walk her step-by-step through an upcoming donor meeting. I love doing this! We established her top goal for the dinner, talked about the environment, and scripted a couple questions for her to ask as the meal...

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21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

As a bonus, you'll get free fundraising tips every other week too!

Help your board fundraise for nonprofit with this FREE ebook

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