So many fundraising problems can be solved by interacting with donors. Getting to know them. Asking about their interests. Learning their stories. I call it “seeing donors in their natural habitat.” But if you’ve had years and years of only focusing...
A coaching client just told me a powerful story of following up. For about six months, he was following up with three supporters. Each had made small donations in the past, less then $1,000 each. After about five months of following up, one donor said he’d make...
Last week, I sent out a fundraising coaching email to Fundraising Kick subscribers asking them if they were fundraising like Linus. My grandfather loved Charles Schulz’s Peanuts comics. Everytime we went to his house, we’d see lots of Peanuts characters: Charlie...
Last week, I was invited to give a full day Ask Without Fear!® training in Kansas City. We had a blast. One of the exercises involved overcoming objections…even before they come up. The process was: The participants pictured someone on their “chicken list” –...
Last week, I mentioned the new report by CompassPoint called UnderDeveloped: A National Study of Challenges Facing Nonprofit Fundraising that is getting lots of press. Two of the findings the press and bloggers are reporting on are: more than half of all fundraisers...