Are you guilting people into giving?
@Philanthropy pointed me to a humor piece in the New Yorker called Looking Forward to Your Check. The invitation to a fictitious fundraising event starts out with: The Benefit Committee wishes to remind all Subscribers that the thrill for those pledging as much money...
Fundraising Secret #31: Clean up your Google profile
2009 looks like it will be a challenging year for fundraising. But people are going to give. It's just a matter if they're going to give to your organization. So one of your goals this year should be to make your nonprofit easy to find. Since more and more people are...
Twitter Webinar January 30!
I'm excited to be giving a webinar with Don Philabaum called Twitter Your Way to Contributions! You may remember, Don as a guest on my Ask Without Fear! Radio Show. He's been a leader in the field of donor relations. Here's some text from the webinar page: Sometimes...
SPECIAL: Free Fundraising Coaching 1-on-1 Call with purchase of Fundraising Training
I've added a new fundraising webinar to the Fundraising Coach Store, Ask Without Fear! EXPANDED. It's three 90-minute webinars expanding on the four steps of the "Get R.E.A.L." fundraising process. Read the entire list of things you'll learn at:...
Fundraising Secret #30: Write fundraising letters for ACTION
If you're not reading Seth Godin's blog, you may want to make it a New Year's Resolution to start! He recently had a pithy blog post on improving copywriting using the slogan on the sign in a Peets' Coffee store "Unlike Any Coffee You've Ever Tasted Before." He...
New Fundraising Training Resources for 2009
2009 looks like it'll probably be a challenging year. Since many are having their education budgets cut, I've put several tools up on the web. These are packed with incredible content and are conveniently available for you to learn without leaving your office! Last...
Thoughts on fundraising “sales”
See's Chocolates sent me a tin of chocolates they use for a chocolate fundraiser. I told them my blog doesn't talk about fundraising sales, but they insisted and who am I to turn down free chocolate? 🙂 The tin came yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised by both the...
Bernard Madoff and the Double Standard of Scrutinizing Nonprofits
I sure love the Chronicle of Philanthropy's "Give & Take" roundup of nonprofit blogs. Today I found a gem from fundraising consultant Tom Belford on the Madoff ponzi scandal. Tom writes on a pretty obvious, but unspoken, double standard: every few years, nonprofits...
Fundraising Secret #29: Ask businesses
The end of the year is coming upon us with unrelenting speed. Even if it's not the end of your fiscal year, this is a tremendously important time. And there's just over 2 weeks to go. I tend to focus on soliciting individuals...or rather "inviting people to invest in...
What if nonprofits did fundraising like the Big 3?
Like many Americans, I've been inundated with news stories about the Big 3 automakers attempts to get a federal loan of billions of dollars. Yes, billions. So I started wondering, what if the Big 3 were to teach nonprofits how to fundraise? Some of the humorous...
FREE: “Join” the page & connect with others raising money for their cause!!
I love the benefits of social media: the ability to make connections, meet people I'd never meet staying here in Maine, two-way conversation rather than simply one-way broadcasting, etc. So I've added Google FriendConnect to my site. Just go to...
10 Tips for Fundraising in a Recession
A reporter interviewed me earlier this week for a story on fundraising in a recession. As a follow up, he asked if I had tips to give nonprofits. Here's what I wrote. I hope they're helpful! Keep Asking! Treat your donor like an adult and let her make the decision...
Fundraising Secret #28: Nobody wants to buy a drill
In Secrets of Closing the Sale, Zig Ziglar says: Each year over 5 million quarter-inch drills are sold, yet it's safe to say that nobody wants a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole. Isn't that great? We do that in fundraising too. Donations are our...
Online fundraising idea for Black Friday & Cyber Monday
I love The Boston Project. They do amazing work and have a long track record of effectiveness. They're also one of the best I've ever seen at telling stories that reinforce their mission. Readers of my blog know that I'm a fan of good nonprofit storytelling! Today I...
Donor-centered fundraising or schpeal-centered?
Does your fundraising conversation with donors look like this: Or is it more like this? Donor Centered Fundraising We tend to sell tools: tax-deductions, planned giving tools, stock transfers. We get all wrapped up in them. Fundraising tools should always be...
Americans continue to be generous
The Chronicle of Philanthropy highlighted an article in the Washington Post: Americans still giving, despite economic meltdown. Kudos to the Washington Post and the AP. It's great to see more media outlets talking about fundraising in a recession using the actual data...
Thoughts on generational fundraising
FundRaising Success has a nice summary of a talk given by Blackbaud's Samantha Cohen. As I Gen-Xer myself, I found this quote particularly compelling. “Tell them you want to end world hunger, and they’ll say, ‘No, you’re not,’” she said. “Tell them you want to put a...
Fundraising Secret #27: The basics ARE extreme
Last week, Lois Lindauer summed up some fundraising advice as: Keep Your Friends Close and Your Donors Closer: At a recent gathering of executive-level fundraisers in Boston, the following suggestions and thoughts for working during these uncertain times were...
Whining is not a fundraising strategy
Debra Blum of The Chronicle of Philanthropy has a great summary of comments from Reynold Levy, president of the
Fundraising Secret #26: You gotta do it yourself
This week I've had two conversations with founders of nonprofits. I've had to tell both the unwelcome truth: you're going to have to do the fundraising yourself. This was a bitter pill for both of them. You see, they'd created their nonprofit because of their passion....
“Survival” is NOT a fundraising appeal
Today the Chronicle of Philanthropy reported on a seemingly provocative comments from the head of the Wal-Mart Foundation, Margaret McKenna. According to the Boston Herald, she said some charities should fail. I whole heartedly agree. Some nonprofits should fail. Just...
There’s nothing compassionate about not asking!
Turn on any news program and you'll hear about how bad the economy is. But I've been hearing some even more disturbing news: some nonprofits are telling their donors "we know the economy is rough so we won't ask you for money." Don't do that! Compassion during times...
Even MORE on Twitter for Nonprofits
Brian Solis wrote an amazing post today listing loads of Twitter tools for building community. In his post, he gives a description and links to each of these tools: twubble GroupTweet twitt(url)y TwitLinks TweetDeck Gridjit Tweet Later Twist Twerp Scan Summize Twemes...
Alternative Nonprofit Marketing?
I just spent 4 hours in the rain putting these signs for our Fall Pops Benefit Concert. The industry calls them "yard signs." I'm hoping that they'll catch people off guard in the midst of the signs of the political candidates! It's a good reminder that as fun as web...
More Twitter for Nonprofits
I'm pleased that my Twitter for Nonprofits blog post is helping people venture into Twitter and other social media! After that post, a fellow Twitter follower, Jon Swanson, recommended following Cheryl Smith of CultureSmith Consulting. I agree! Her blog has great tips...
Twitter for Nonprofits
Twitter is a great free tool. And in a time of economic uncertainty, a free tool is a welcome help! Twitter is called "microblogging." You get 140 characters to get your message across. 140 characters to answer the question on the Twitter home page: "What are you...
Ways to help spread the word
Thanks to your efforts, Ask Without Fear! is getting: wonderful reviews on Amazon, tremendous responses from board members that are getting fired up about fundraising, listed as "must reads" on blogs and in FundRaisingSuccess Magazine, and mentions in the Chronicle of...
Are you trying to sell a bailout?
Chris Busch has an interesting comment about the "branding" of the bailout bill. He comments that since nobody likes a bailout, terms like "workout" should be used instead. The branding of the legislation is shifting already. I'm intrigued to hear a lot more pundits...
Fundraising Secret #25: Keepers of the Lore
One of the biggest jobs in we in development have is being "keepers of the lore." So often our organizations are so focused on the present--being the best they can at their mission--and the future--strategizing where they're going and how they'll get there--that they...
FDIC insured? Check again
The Don't Tell the Donor Blog had a chilling link to a New York Times article. Here's a quote from the article: About 30 nonprofit agencies that held several accounts at Freedom, each with less than $100,000, lost money because the F.D.I.C. considers the multiple...