Ambiguity is killing your fundraising

Ambiguity is killing your fundraising

A few weeks back, I shared with my Fundraising Kick members a conversation I had with a friend asking me for a donation. In short, he asked me to consider "supporting" his nonprofit. I'm thrilled he asked. That is a huge start. But I couldn't resist the opportunity to...

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Fundraising is farming, not Powerball

Fundraising is farming, not Powerball

Nonprofits often mistake hiring professionals like fundraising coaches or consultants as buying the winning lottery ticket. No matter what they've been told, they think the professional will magically find them funding. Fortunately, that is actually great for...

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How to effectively ask for advice

How to effectively ask for advice

Last week, I was at a meeting and heard a board member say: "Ask a man for advice, and he'll give you money. Ask a man for money, and he'll give you advice. Isn't that the truth? Think about the times you as a board member or nonprofit employee told someone you were...

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Happy National Bowtie Day!!

Happy National Bowtie Day!!

Today, August 28, is the day you've long been waiting for: National Bowtie Day! To celebrate this sartorially splendorific day, I'm giving away my bowtie cards for free. True, I always give them away for free. But today, I'll even mail them to you. 🙂 Just fill out...

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Some people make excuses; others raise money

Some people make excuses; others raise money

Are you making excuses or raising money? If I had a dollar for every fundraiser that's told me they're not making major gift calls because "August is a slow month," I'd be able to make much larger gifts to nonprofits! I actually like hearing that, in a twisted way....

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How to get new donors

How to get new donors

I'm tremendously proud of being part of 100 Donors in 90 Day. This week, there's a special offer. So I made this video. Alas, the lavalier volume was wonky. And my webcam is no HD. But you still get why 100 Donors is such an incredible program. 100 new donors in the...

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Amazon is giving away my book for free today

Amazon is giving away my book for free today

Amazon is promoting my newest book Nonprofit Social Media: A beginner's guide to building donor relationships from your desk. On Thursday, July 18, Amazon is giving the Kindle version away for free. Just go to to see if they've set it up for...

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[Guest Post] How To Use Google Trends

[Guest Post] How To Use Google Trends

Today it's my privilege to introduce you to Andy Crestodina. Andy is the Strategic Director of Orbit Media, a web design company in Chicago. The author of the incredibly helpful SEO book Content Chemistry, he's amazing when it comes to helping your website receive...

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2 of the least common words fundraisers hear

2 of the least common words fundraisers hear

Happy New (Fiscal) Year! July 1st is the start of the new fiscal year for 100's of 1,000's of nonprofits. You've just closed the books but now you have an even higher bar to reach. Here's a quick video with a sincere message to all who fundraise: thank you. Don't see...

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What an effective email fundraising subject line!

What an effective email fundraising subject line!

As a fundraising coach, I take a critical look at fundraising letters and emails. It's always thrilling to be pleasantly surprised! Last week, I was pleasantly surprised to look in my inbox and see this email subject line: Email subject line: "You made this happen."...

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21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

As a bonus, you'll get free fundraising tips every other week too!

Help your board fundraise for nonprofit with this FREE ebook

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