Fundraising is like a Waldorf Salad

For more free fundraising tips right to your inbox, sign up for the free Ask Without Fear! email newsletter at: Forrest Gump could have said, Momma always said, 'Fundraising's like a Waldorf Salad. You gotta mix it up to get the...

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Learning social media with an 11 year old

I've been learning a bit about social media and marketing from my 11 y.o. son. He just posted this animation this morning, but it all ready has over 1,800 2000 views! [It's gotten another 200+ since I started writing this blog post!] He creates these animations from...

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How often are you sending bulk emails?

This week I am pleased to introduce you to Naomi Hamilton. Based in Australia, Naomi is the Digital Marketing Consultant for Blackbaud Pacific. This was originally published on the NetWitsThinkTank blog, where she's a regular contributor. And you can follow her on...

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Time Management Tip: Schedule your to-do’s

Ever have one of those to-do lists that keeps getting added to but never seems to have things getting crossed off? They can become garbage barges loaded with the guilt of undone tasks. Here's a quick tip to help you get more done: schedule your to-do's. Tools like...

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Is Google keeping people off your site?

Is Google keeping people off your site?

Have you seen this? I just Googled "How social should personal media be?" to find an image on my site. What I got, was this: Can you believe it? I moused over my post and *pop* - there was the image of my site. And the section of the page with the close match to my...

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Where do you find new donors?

I love LinkedIn Answers! Answering other people questions is nice. But I love seeing people's answers to questions I ask. I'm currently asking What do YOU say when asked "Where do you find donors?". You see, I work with a lot of start-up nonprofits. And many, many of...

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Where do you find new donors?

I love LinkedIn Answers! Answering other people questions is nice. But I love seeing people's answers to questions I ask. I'm currently asking What do YOU say when asked "Where do you find donors?". You see, I work with a lot of start-up nonprofits. And many, many of...

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Two $4 million surprise gifts

Two $4 million surprise gifts

The Chronicle of Philanthropy reported of a couple of $4 million gifts give to surprised nonprofits. According to the story, a Pasadena couple, Robert and Adrienne Westerbeck, gave $4 million to each of their alma maters. As is typical in stories like this (and...

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This fundraising appeal sucks

I was in a service club meeting, hearing an extremely compelling story of a nonprofit outreach. The people were passionate, the results were impressive. And then they ruined it. They said something like: "We'll be seeking sponsorships because, well, we're a nonprofit...

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Another take on mobile giving

Another take on mobile giving

After my post about mobile giving apps, I learned about a new free app called TexTango. The idea isn't specifically for nonprofits. This app pays you to text. You download it for free and there is no monthly fee. By using this app instead of your phone's native SMS...

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5 tips for email fundraising

5 tips for email fundraising

This summer is my class reunion from Milton Academy. (A George Bush was president when I graduated but I won't tell you which one.) All reunions have class gifts. As a fundraising coach, I figured fundraising from my classmates should be a cinch. It wasn't! I found...

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Ask Without Fear turns 3 and is now worth $142.96

It's been three years since Ask Without Fear! came out! What a wild ride it's been! I wrote Ask Without Fear! because there were so many wonderful causes here in Maine with amazingly passionate volunteers, but they were chronically underfunded. A few could afford to...

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12 travel tips for the flying fundraiser

12 travel tips for the flying fundraiser

Last week, Chris Brogan offered an extensive list of travel tips. He asked what we'd add here are some of mine. There are some duplicates, but that's just how it is. Read Chris' Tips for Flying post and the comments There are some incredibly helpful tips in the post...

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The Force and Fundraising

Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th has become an unofficial Star Wars holiday, given the pun on "May the Force be with you." (Back in Catholic school, my friends and I would respond, "And also with you." Being extra witty--in my own mind--I replied "This is a reading...

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3 Ways that Fundraising is like the Royal Wedding

3 Ways that Fundraising is like the Royal Wedding

I woke up this morning to my Twitter stream being filled with tweets about the royal wedding--both people watching it and people tweeting about people watching it! Those tweets got me thinking about fundraising...because that's just how I am. 🙂 3 Ways the Royal...

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How to use Twitter lists

Yesterday, I showed you how to How to build a Twitter list. Now that you can make them, how should you use them? Types of lists You could create lists of: boards members and your assigned donors: you'll be able to build relationships right from your desk people with...

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How to build a Twitter list

It's no secret that I love Twitter. But all the tweets in one stream can be completely overwhelming. Years ago, there was a time when I'd get home from work and my wife would ask, "Did you see my tweet?" Well, I hadn't. And I felt awful. I'd seen lots of tweets, but...

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Show ’em you love ’em

April is "volunteer appreciation" month. Last week, the ED of a nonprofit gave whoopie pies to each of us on the board. In presenting them, she said, "April is volunteer appreciation month. So each year we do something to say 'thank you' to each of you on the board....

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Google’s at it again

If you use Gmail, have you noticed the new "also include" feature? I was writing an email to Rob Hatch. Since Google saw that, it suggested I might want to cc Estrella Rosenberg and John Haydon as well. The cool thing is, I often do email all three of them at the same...

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How to target your nonprofit ads in Facebook

I was just checking in with Facebook, when an NTEN ad caught my eye. It wasn't the image. (Not sure what that is.) But it was the "You're already a fan of NTEN..." line. Let's face it, most Facebook ads are as effective as community bulletin boards at the...

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You need Kivi’s Nonprofit Marketing Guide

I just finished The Nonprofit Marketing Guide: High-Impact, Low-Cost Ways to Build Support for Your Good Cause [amazon affiliate link]. I've had it for a few months now. I kept getting hung up with it because the book is so darned actionable. Kivi knows her stuff. One...

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5 Twitter Tips for Fundraisers

It's no secret that I love Twitter. Here are five tips to help you make better use of Twitter. Be human and interesting One of the worst things you can do as a fundraiser on Twitter is broadcast about your cause all day long. This will bore people. Social media is...

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Mobile giving? There’s an app for that!

When you ask people about making a donation through their phone, they usually think of texting donations like they do for the Red Cross. That is about to change. A growing number of services are allowing people to give donations from their phone. And services allowing...

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Pollyanna Principles Revisited

Pollyanna Principles Revisited

It's hard to believe it's been two years since my friend and colleague Hildy Gottlieb's book The Pollyanna Principles was released. Her thoughts and ideas keep coming to mind, especially in my role as a board member for various nonprofits. Here are a sampling of what...

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Free seminar and win a free coaching session!

Free seminar and win a free coaching session!

Those on my Fundraising Kick email list already know that April is Go For No! month here at! Go For No! [amazon affiliate link] is a wonderfully short story about how one salesman found going for "yes" led to mediocrity but going for "no" led to...

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21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

As a bonus, you'll get free fundraising tips every other week too!

Help your board fundraise for nonprofit with this FREE ebook

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