Be strategic and curious – not a jerk

Be strategic and curious – not a jerk

Did you read the "Outspoken Donor" article in a recent Chronicle of Philanthropy? I didn't like it very much. But some of the donor's experiences with fundraisers are chilling. For example, she says: "Development officers sometimes think that because you gave money to...

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Fundraising with an eye to the future

Fundraising with an eye to the future

In nonprofit fundraising, the constant pressure to raise more with fewer resources can be so all consuming that we forget to step back and look at future trends. To help us break out of that, we recently had fundraising futurist Trista Harris in The Nonprofit Academy....

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How to effectively interact with donors

How to effectively interact with donors

So many fundraising problems can be solved by interacting with donors. Getting to know them. Asking about their interests. Learning their stories. I call it "seeing donors in their natural habitat." But if you've had years and years of only focusing on your nonprofit...

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Are your donors missing the picture?

Are your donors missing the picture?

When you send an email, are your donors missing the picture? Seriously. Many may not have images automatically open. So all you get it a weird blank space. And possibly some words. Those words are the "alt" text. When you add an image to an email or web page, most...

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Why your fundraising stories don’t work

Why your fundraising stories don’t work

During my time as a leadership and fundraising coach, I've helped thousands of nonprofit leaders clarify their fundraising stories. Nearly all make the same mistake: they forget the audience - the donors. Take hospitals for instance. Have you ever asked hospital...

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Setting up solicitations based on hardwiring

Setting up solicitations based on hardwiring

.One of the hardest stages of asking for money is getting the appointment. The good news is that getting the appointment is mostly about consistency and polite persistence. But hardwiring plays a role too. In my Quadrant 3 Leadership training, I show participants how...

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Email deliverability is more than double opt-in

Email deliverability is more than double opt-in

Nonprofits love sending email. It doesn't take all the printing time of direct mail. And it costs less. But what if your emails aren't getting to your list? In the last few weeks, Google and Yahoo have tweaked their algorithms - the systems they use to determine if...

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When in doubt, write a JTOY

When in doubt, write a JTOY

Excellent fundraisers know that fundraising is about a relationship with a donor. Since they're a "donor," the relationship is centered around their giving. But it is a relationship. That giving is linked to a donor's values and passions - things that make her...

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Get fundraising unstuck by reframing

Get fundraising unstuck by reframing

I just returned from training NGO leaders in Lebanon. Prior to the training, I spent time studying Lebanese philanthropy and interviewing people who'd registered. Fundraising is clearly getting harder. I kept hearing the two reasons it was particularly hard in Lebanon...

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Fundraising in the last days of December

Year-end is a huge time for nonprofit's fundraising. There's a debate if the spike in giving is because we ask so much more frequently at this time of year or if it's because people are more generous because of the mix of public and religious holidays combined with...

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Who’s leading the army?

Who’s leading the army?

Last month, at the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference, I saw Jeff Brooks help nonprofits understand donor communication by sharing a great image. I wrote about it to my Fundraising Kick email subscribers. But I wanted to share it here. Hopefully it'll help as you write...

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Capital Campaigns for the 21st Century

Capital Campaigns for the 21st Century

Capital campaigns are a mainstay in nonprofit fundraising. There's something special about a time-limited, specific goal like a capital campaign. It gets us motivated to give generously and accomplishes results we can see and touch. But things are changing. For...

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A true disruption in fundraising

A true disruption in fundraising

We often hear people claim they're going to "disrupt" an industry, even fundraising. "This will change everything," they promise. And the implied threat is that you'd better adapt or get left behind. They are usually selling a website or an app that is supposed to...

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21 Ways for Board Members to Engage with their Nonprofit's Fundraising book image

You'll discover the 21 ways each board member can help their nonprofit's fundraising - even if they don't like to ask for money!

As a bonus, you'll get free fundraising tips every other week too!

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